Thursday, June 12, 2014

$12 French Fries

As our journey winds closer to the Socceroos first game, we make a pitstop in the holiday town of Bonito, south west Brazil.

Aside from running into the first Chilean fans, the number of Aussies is exponentially growing as well.

So, Bonito. We're starting to learn Brazil is bloody expensive! For a country that seems to have infrastructure/jobs similar to Argentina, prices are similar or more than what we pay at home. Staggeringly some things are way more expensive....such as french fries at most places for the bargain basement price of $12. You're joking!!!!! Needless to say not many potatoes have been consumed on the journey.

Our highlights in Bonito included floating down the river viewing freshwater fish at Rio de Prata, having an entire meal made with Manioc (a root substitute for potato) with some lovely locals from Porto Alegre and seeing the amazing red and green Macaws at Buraco das Araras.

Buraco das Araras - A sinkhole that hosts 250+ Macaw parrots

A wall of tiles on a hotel in Bonito, representing the Mato Grosso do Sul region.

Nina tackling a delish hotdog in a bun treat from a food truck

The Sinkhole with the Macaws. Not much to see with just an iPhone.

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