Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Adult Daycare

After the highlight of Iguazu Falls, Campo Grande, a surprisingly city of 800k people, was next stop as the jumping off point for the Pantanal.

The Pantanal is supposedly THE place to see animals, more so than the Amazon. Snoozeville is more like it - well at least when the water level is high.

5 hours from Campo Grande and we settle into our tiny room on a moored boat....not quite the P&O Fairstar. Over the next few days we had planned a jeep safari, jaguar spotting by boat, piranha fishing and wildlife spotting on horse.

Do you remember as a kid doing school holiday programs where you were taken on pointless activities just to keep you busy? Unfortunately this was our tour....not much in the way of wildlife, sticking a piece of bamboo in the water and calling it 'piranha fishing', a 'jeep safari' which was just driving down the main road plus a guide who didn't really talk. What a rip!

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