Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Viva la Brazil

Crossing the Brazillian border was a piece of cake compared to the military like grilling you get in Canada or Nina has carried almonds through 4 countries now. In Australia you get prison time for that.

The morning in Brazil was spent on their side of the Igaucu falls, which in my opinion was much better. Nice panoramic views and a viewing platform right in the heart of the falls themselves. A gold star from me. Apparently we missed the bird sanctuary across the road though, which from what I hear was pretty amazing as well.

Following on from the falls we decided the first 18 hour bus ride wasn't painful enough and chose to take a much crappier overnight bus to Campo Grande about 10 hours away. It was my first experience seeing the 'middle america' greyhound patrons of Brazil. Mullets exist hear too.

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